Chi Nei Tsang I is a massage technique that originated from traditional Chinese medicine and Taoist philosophy. The practice focuses on the abdominal area, where negative emotions and tension can accumulate and create blockages in the flow of energy throughout the body. The massage involves using various techniques to release these blockages and stimulate the flow of energy, which can help promote healing and relieve stress. By releasing tension in the abdomen, the technique can help improve digestion, reduce bloating and constipation, and eliminate toxins from the body. In addition to its physical benefits, Chi Nei Tsang I is also said to have emotional and spiritual benefits. By releasing negative emotions that are stored in the abdomen, the technique can help promote a sense of well-being and balance. Overall, Chi Nei Tsang I is a holistic approach to healing that focuses on the interconnectedness of the body, mind, and spirit. It is a gentle and non-invasive technique that can be used to complement other forms of healing or as a standalone therapy.
What are the benefits of CNT? ⚫︎relieve the body of excess stagnation ⚫︎reliese unprocessed emotions ⚫︎improve digestive system ⚫︎improving elimination and stimulating the lymphatic and the circulatory systems ⚫︎strengthens the immune system and improve metabolism ⚫︎helps correct the postural problems including internal organs ⚫︎releases deep-seated tensions and restores vitality ⚫︎helpful with chronic pains such as back, neck and shoulder, legs, feet, pilvis ⚫︎connecting and aware of your body and centering
Contraindications for CNT ⚫︎Pregnant or less than 3 months post-partum ⚫︎During menstruation, using IUD ⚫︎If you have a pacemaker for your heart ⚫︎Having food 1-2h before ⚫︎If you have any of the following conditions need doctor permission ⚫︎Abdominal aortic aneurysm ⚫︎Malignant tumor ⚫︎Cancer Please note: For Heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, advanced age will have mild pressure.
Why? While Chi nei tsang can effectively stimulate blood, lymphatic fluid, and chi flow, it may not be suitable for individuals with certain health conditions that put additional stress on their veins and arteries. If you're seeking alternative options that can effectively stimulate circulation without causing undue strain on your vascular system, please feel free to reach out to me for further assistance.
If you are interested to have a treatment, Please email to [email protected]